Pupil Voice and Participation


Throughout the year,  pupils are given the opportunity to have their say about things that are important to them.  Pupils take part in regular 'Learner Conversations with school management about the curriculum and school improvement projects.  Classes also discuss a range of important issues during whole school assemblies and workshops.  Each class carries out work on a range of themes throughout the year including global citizenship and sustainability.  The work completed by pupils feeds into school action plans for nationally recognised programmes such as the Eco Schools, Rights Respecting Schools and SportsScotland Sports Award.


Junior Leadership Team

Pupils from every class are elected to represent their classrooms and feed into Whole School Improvement Projects and Self Evaluation activities.  Our Junior Leadership Team meet regularly with the Senior Leadership Team to discuss progress and put forward ideas from their class committee.

This year we have begun to use the 'How good is OUR school?' Self evaluation document and have taken part in a range of activities to explore peoples views on different areas of our school and curriculum.

Our school has a Bubble Box, where pupils post suggestions and questions.  We do our very best to address each suggestion, and we meet with the Senior Leadership Team to discuss important issues. This helps to make our school an even better place to be


A Rights Respecting School not only teaches about children's rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers/adults and pupils, between adults, and between pupils.

Since 2012, Sgoil Bhaile a' Mhanaich has been working towards becoming a RRSA accredited school. We achieved our Gold award in 2019!

SportScotland School Sport Award

The sportscotland School Sport Award is a National Lottery funded initiative designed to encourage schools to continuously improve physical education (PE) and school sport opportunities. The sportscotland School Sport Award:

  • Encourages schools to self reflect and continuously improve
  • Puts young people at the forefront of the decision making and planning of PE and sport in their school
  • Helps schools to increase young people’s opportunities and engagement in PE & school sport
  • Helps schools to put PE & school sport at the heart of their planning, practice and ethos
  • Recognises and celebrates successful PE & school sport models

Go Eco, Go Green

Work together to get the world clean”

Bidh Eco, Bidh Uaine

Cùm ar Saoghal Glan

We encourage all pupils and staff to live more sustainable lives.  The school have achieved five green flags as part of the Eco-schools programme!

We have a No litter policy. If you find a piece of litter you pick it up!

At the beginning of the school year we carry out an Environmental Review and then set our action plans which can be found on our Eco-School notice board.

As part of our work, we also discuss how we can raise awareness of Fair-trade products both in school and in the local community.  Find out more about Fair-trade by clicking here